Palm Beach Restoration Company - Water Leaks Detection


Hearing water dripping from places you never know does seem haunting and scary. But, we assure you, it’s not really the ghost turning your pipes, rather a leak that was left unchecked - a leak that is not necessarily on the surface, rather inside. These undetected leaks can be hefty on your water bills, and that is certainly not a good sign.

Apart from your water bills skyrocketing, unchecked leaks would blow up into something massive that you never comprehended. It could either be your pipeline breaking altogether or the swelling of the ceiling/wood, which would eventually lead to mold growth that causes severe health hazards. At Palm Beach Restoration Company, we are experts at detecting leaks at the early stages, whether it’s hidden or visible. Other than detection, we’d come up with a quick and lasting solution for it right away.


Palm Beach Restoration Company Palm Beach, FL 561-370-6476Yes, if you suspect a water leak, then of course you’d assume no one could help you better than a plumber in Palm Beach, FL area. When a plumber comes by, they do apply a quick fix, but little do you know that it actually isn’t something that’s efficient or lasting enough. Eventually, the fix would wither away, and the leaks would return to rip your wallpapers, swell the wood or cause serious ramifications as such. Don’t mistake us, we applaud the efforts of plumbers, and they are great at fixing them, but it is just that they can’t detect the leaks properly, and they’d end up missing out on some crucial places or worse, destroy portions of your walls to find where the leak is located.

The lack of equipment and skill of the plumbers is the main cause for it, and hence you’d be left dissatisfied within a matter of weeks. It is then that you’ll go finding a restoration expert for fixing things the best way.


When you suspect the signs of water leak, the first thing you need to do is call Palm Beach Restoration Company on 561-370-6476, and we’ll immediately dispatch a team of leak detection experts to the site.

  • We use high-tech equipment

It is quite uncanny to stick to age old traditions when the world is evolving and the issues within properties are taking a new turn. With the evolution of technology, it only makes sense that we adopt it and utilize them while providing our services to offer the best services out there. Right from fiber optic cameras, to imaging and snake cameras to detect leaks and other issues, we’ve got it all.

  • We’re non-destructive:

We possess a team of experts who know what they’re doing the best. Hence, you won’t find them hammering through the surface to fix or spot the leak. With state-of-the-art technology, they only provide efficient and non-destructive solutions. We can spot exactly where the leak is which is why you don’t have to worry about the damage it could cause.

  • We’ll fix what comes after:

Perhaps you could get an amateur to fix the leak. But what about the hidden old growth, your wet furniture, and the damaged property in general? Our experts are best at offering restoration services in Palm Beach, FL area. We will fix the leak, but also remove the mold, dry the property and restore the space and furniture to pre-loss condition.

Don’t let a leak be the cause of your anxiety! Let it all go and call us on 561-370-6476, and we’ll offer the perfect fix!